Milwaukee Area Technical College seeks to be an educational and employment haven free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment. Toward that end, the district board has adopted clear policy statements prohibiting such behavior and has directed ongoing emphasis and training for all people in these areas. The Office of the General Counsel has been charged with implementing, maintaining and enforcing these policies within the District.
- Policy Prohibiting Unlawful Discrimination
- Policy Against Sexual Harassment
- Reasonable Accommodations for Students With Disabilities - Policy
- Reasonable Accommodations for Students With Disabilities - Procedure
Student Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Policies
- Process for Resolving Complaints of Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Other Forms of Discimination - C0200
- Harassment - C0201
- Codes of Conduct - F1100
- Student Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure - FF1001
- Accessing Accommodations for Employees With Disabilities - Policy C0203
- Accessing Accommodations for Employees With Disabilities - Procedure CC0201
Various forms used by MATC are linked from this page for viewing or printing.
Each form is in two formats, HTML and text, one of which should be suitable for printing from your browser.
- Discrimination Complaint Form (.doc)
- Employee Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (.doc)
- MATC Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (FF1000 Appendix) (.pdf)
- Employee Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure Form
Milwaukee Area Technical College is committed to providing an accessible environment for all students, employees and visitors. Therefore, the College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its services, employment programs, educational programs or activities. If any student, employee or member of the public needs information related to the existence and/or location of services, activities and facilities that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, please contact:
ADA Coordinator
Christopher Morgan
Phone: 414-297-8718
- OR -
Director of Student Accommodations & Interpreting Services
Carla Eichelberger
Milwaukee Area Technical College
700 West State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233-1443
PH: 414-297-7847
FX: 414-297-7705
Wisconsin Relay System 711