Student Ombudspersons


The student ombuds (pronunciation: om-budz) can assist in resolving difficult issues by offering a range of services. The student ombuds can:

  • Listen to concerns without judgment; help in clarifying thoughts, feelings and goals; and assist in creating strategies for resolving problems/conflicts
  • Answer questions or refer visitors to someone who can
  • Identify and help analyze problems and explore and evaluate options for addressing them. Visitors to our office choose their path to resolution.
  • Informally mediate disputes or facilitate discussions between individuals or groups
  • Address issues prior to using existing formal channels offered by the college
  • Provide coaching on effective conflict management
  • Explain related college policies, procedures and processes  

The student ombuds cannot:

  • Participate/conduct any internal or external formal investigations or hearings
  • Represent or advocate for any individual or the college
  • Offer legal advice or psychological counseling
  • Disclose identifying information about visitors unless given permission by the visitor or required by law
  • Receive official notice on behalf of the college


yolanda-hodges-2022--08-300px.pngYolanda Hodges has been with the college for over three years. She began as an Human Resources partner and was promoted to ombudsperson in June of 2020, the first ombudsperson for the college serving students. 

Ms. Hodges holds a Masters in Public Policy and Public Administration with a concentration in Human Resources Management from Jackson State University. Her bachelors degree is in Journalism with a concentration in Public Relations from University of Memphis.

Prior to MATC, she worked in Human Resources for over 20 years in several capacities and industries, including k-12 education.




Students may contact the Office of the Ombudsperson to schedule an appointment using the three methods listed below. Appointments will be conducted via phone, Google Hangout or in person. Confidential information should not be emailed or left on office voicemail messages. To safeguard confidentiality, we do not use email to provide ombuds services. 

Walk-ins are welcome; however at any given time the ombuds may be in a meeting with another student. It is recommended to call, email or complete an Ombuds Inquiry Form in advance if interested in meeting with the ombudsperson.

PHONE: 414-297-6294


Please be aware that email is not a secure or confidential method of communication.

INQUIRY FORM: Ombuds Inquiry form (link)

OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (Monday-Friday)

After-hours meeting requests are available with advance notice.



Milwaukee Area Technical College
Office of the Student Ombudsperson
700 West State Street
M Building, Room M358
Milwaukee, WI 53233



By electing to voluntarily use the ombuds services, visitors agree to abide by the terms of use and not record any conversations with the ombuds and not seek to compel the ombudsperson to disclose any information received as a part of providing ombuds services in any other forum, such as a formal complaint proceeding or in a court of law.