Teaching Action Plan (TAP) and Peer Coaching

Teaching Action Plan (TAP) and Peer Coaching:

The purpose of Peer Coaching and the Teaching Action Plan is to provide guidance and direction for the professional learning activities throughout your FQAS cycle. The TAP fosters a growth-mindset by allowing you to capture the full process of professional learningfrom skills development and renewal to classroom application, so that you can reflect on what worked well, what didn’t work, what no longer works, and what could work with some adjustments. In the TAP, you are asked to set professional learning goals that apply to the classroom; however, the goals that you set may grow and adapt as you start to implement your newly-acquired professional learning skill set into the classroom. The TAP process has an embedded flexibility to give you the professional respect you deserve in a quality review process that embraces all levels of self-reflection and feedback.


Teaching Action Plan (TAP):

Teaching Action Plan (TAP):

The TAP is a framework for the application of individualized professional learning and is a required component of the FQAS cycle. It is designed to:

  • Help you develop and organize your goals for fostering student success
  • Identify and connect with a peer coach
  • Apply your professional development FQAS into the classroom
  • Chart your progress throughout the academic year

If you are Full-Time Post-Probationary faculty, you will complete one TAP each year. If you are a Part-Time Post-Probationary, Part-Time Probationary, or Full-Time Probationary faculty, you will complete one TAP each FQAS cycle. All faculty submit their completed TAP in SumTotal.

Peer Coaching:

Probationary Faculty:

Probationary faculty are assigned a coach through the Center of Teaching Excellence within their first month of employment and work with their assigned Faculty Coach during their probationary period. The coaching process involves:

  • Meeting with the Coach
  • Reviewing the FQAS Probationary requirements
  • Performing at least one classroom observation conducted by the Coach. The Classroom Observation form is filled out by the Coach and is shared with the faculty member for the purpose of coaching and mentoring.
  • Working with the Coach on the probationary faculty member's Teaching Action Plan (TAP). Typically, the reflections from the classroom observation are incorporated into the goals for professional development in the TAP. The Coach and Probationary faculty member continue to review progress towards achieving the TAP goals throughout their probationary period, providing a consistent and supportive peer coaching experience.
  • In addition, during the last six months of the probationary period all faculty will complete the Faculty Evaluation of Professional Development form and request a meeting with their supervisor to discuss their learning outcomes. After the meeting the faculty will upload the completed, signed form into SumTotal.

Post-Probationary Faculty:

Post-probationary faculty choose their Peer Coach from amongst their peers to collaborate with. The Peer Coach will help faculty achieve the goals as determined on their Teaching Action Plan. The Peer Coach can be a colleague in the faculty's discipline or from outside the discipline. Peer Coaches need to agree to provide the needed time and support requested by the post-probationary faculty.

Full-Time Post-Probationary Peer Coaching Suggested Timeline--Coming Soon!

Part-Time Post-Probationary, Part-Time Probationary, or Full-Time Probationary TAP and Peer Coaching Suggested Timeline