President's Award Competition

Fall and Spring Semesters

Fact Sheet (pdf)

Program Summary (pdf)

Application and Essay (pdf)

Reference/Letter of Recommendation Guidelines (pdf) - To be submitted with your application

Applications with Reference(s)/Letter(s) of Recommendation are due on or before one of the following dates:

  • Fall: October 7th - November 15th, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
  • Spring: CLOSED

Eligibility Requirements
Completion of at least 52 Associate Degree or 12 Technical Diploma (1 year, 2 year or short term) credits with a 2.75 or higher cumulative grade-point average and have applied for graduation with the college's Registration office. The deadline to apply for fall graduation is October 31st, and for spring graduation the application deadline is March 31st. Requirements also include an application, essay, and letter of recommendation.

District recognition and honor certificate.

Notification Timetable
Eligible students are notified in November for the fall semester, and in March for the spring semester.

The President's Award is a Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) district-wide recognition for graduating students; designed to honor their academic achievement, and reward their contributions to the college and the community while enrolled at MATC. The Office of the Registrar, Office of Student Life and the Scholastic Recognition Committee conducts the district-wide competition from which the MATC President's Award recipient is selected.

Presentation of the President's Award winner, certificates and/or awards occur at the MATC Honors Ceremony held each semester. The recipient and their guests, as well as college administrators, faculty, and staff receive an invitation to attend.