Innovative Teaching Practices and Methodologies


MATC supports innovation in the classroom and data-informed best practices. These faculty resources provide support for real-time application of student-centered classroom concepts and teaching methodologies.

MATC’s Standards of Teaching Excellence

MATC Syllabus Templates

Student-Centered Syllabus Template & Toolkit

Developing a student-centered syllabus can be a foundational process in courses that helps students feel welcomed, empowered, and committed to persisting in the course even when challenges arise. MATC faculty developed the Student-Centered Syllabus Template and Toolkit in a Faculty Learning Community; students were surveyed, and their input was incorporated. The main feature of the new toolkit and template is a focus on building a relationship between students and their instructor, and between students and their peers.

Student-Centered Syllabus Template

Syllabus Toolkit

Student-Centered Syllabus Template - SPANISH VERSION

Syllabus Checklist

Log of Syllabus Updates

If you have any questions or want additional support as you implement the student-centered syllabus, please email the Center for Teaching Excellence–we’d love to hear your feedback!

Syllabus Addendums

Syllabus Addendums are linked in the Syllabus Template and each Blackboard course shell under the Syllabus tab; addendums are updated each semester by the Center and the Online Learning Department.

1. College Guidelines Addendum

2. Student Support Resources Addendum

Sharing Your Syllabus

Faculty may upload or share a link to a syllabus file in their Blackboard courses by following these instructions.

8 Week Course Conversion

The eight-week course conversion is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Not all courses or programs will fit into this model. The goal of the eight-week conversion is for it to be applied where it makes sense; data will be used to determine courses that are eligible and appropriate for the conversion.  

8-Week Course Conversion Workshop:

The 8-Week Course Conversion Workshop will provide faculty a “hands-on” experience in converting a course to an 8-week format with the assistance of Faculty Coaches and an Instructional Designer. The workshop will qualify for 3 FQAS hours.

To enroll, please determine a course you will begin converting to the 8-week format because you will start this process during the workshop. Because the 8-week conversion is an MATC initiative, it is highly recommended you work with your Lead Faculty in the selection of a course to convert. This helps all of us select courses that make sense to convert, and helps Lead Faculty and Deans be informed of those courses that are in the process of being converted.

When you have a course identified, please email to schedule a workshop.

Note: There is a minimum of 4 participants and a maximum of 15 participants in this workshop. We will cancel a course that does not meet the minimum required participants 3 days before the start.

Modality Matrix

MATC has seven course modalities in which courses are delivered. To help understand each modality, the Modality Matrix was created for Faculty and Staff. Each modality has a description, course type (used for scheduling), attendance requirements, interaction guidelines (instructor to students), and technology implications. The Modality Matrix addresses the many course types and associated information for scheduling courses.

The Modality Matrix is only for Faculty and Staff; a student-facing website helps students to navigate and explore the course types (modalities).

There are two course modalities found on the Modality Matrix that are considered flexible--where students can choose how to attend the course each class: 

  • Virtual F2F-Flexible: The course section is face-to-face (F2F), in a specific classroom during a scheduled session, but may be attended synchronously (virtual) by students rather than attending F2F. Class sessions must be held in a room equipped with a camera and audio capability (wall/ceiling mounted preferred over webcams).
  • HyFlex: A hybrid flexible course design model that combines face-to-face learning with synchronous and/or asynchronous delivery and allows instructors to tailor course content and activities for each format. Students have the option to “flex” their course to fit their needs by choosing in-person, online synchronous, or online asynchronous attendance on a day-to-day basis. The physical classrooms are equipped with high fidelity audio and video-based hardware and software.

Additional training is required prior to teaching in the above modalities in order to navigate the additional technological requirements and to receive real-time support. Please email us for more information about the current training schedule.


What is HyFlex?

HyFlex is a “hybrid flexible” course design model that combines face-to-face learning with synchronous* and/or asynchronous* delivery and allows instructors to tailor course content and activities for each format. Students have the option to “flex” their course to fit their needs by choosing in-person, online synchronous, or online asynchronous attendance on a day-to-day basis. The physical classrooms are equipped with high fidelity audio and video-based hardware and software.

*Synchronous online delivery - Students attend during scheduled class times through web-conferencing.

*Asynchronous online delivery - Students do not attend during scheduled class times (web-conferencing). Instructors may record relevant class content for viewing after the class session and students access their course online through Blackboard.

What is unique about a HyFlex Classroom?

The HyFlex classroom has enhanced audio and video capabilities that allow faculty to replicate in-class activities in a live web conferencing environment. Students who participate face-to-face in a HyFlex classroom will be able to interact with their instructor in the classroom and through video and audio with their peers who are participating synchronously.

Connected Classrooms have cameras, microphone(s), and speakers added to classrooms, which enables them to be used to teach the HyFlex and Virtual F2F-Flexible course modalities. This Connected Classrooms document is a list of all available classrooms available based on the "as of" date on the document. Note that only select rooms have desktops or laptops available for student use. Classroom Technology Instructions and camera remote instructions are found in each connected classroom.

How will HyFlex work for students?

Hybrid flexible learning is shown to provide greater retention rates for students, particularly adults requiring greater flexibility. HyFlex increases access for students and can help them overcome challenges in trying to balance responsibilities. MATC is planning to integrate HyFlex technology into additional classrooms across the district that may benefit students in all Academic Pathways.

Students are welcome to use their laptops or Chromebooks while in the HyFlex classroom; however, those students who attend face-to-face should not log in to the web-conferencing as it could interfere with the built-in audio in the room. Students are not required to have a laptop or a Chromebook if attending a HyFlex class 100% in person; however, access to a computer will be necessary.

What kinds of technical support will students have?

If a student is seeking Blackboard or Collaborate support, help is available at the Blackboard Student Support Site.

If a Blackboard password reset is needed, please contact the MATC Helpdesk at 414-297-6541, email:; or send a Google instant message to MATC-IT Helpdesk.

How will HyFlex work for faculty?

In the HyFlex modality, faculty provide in-person instruction to students who are in the classroom (face-to-face), attending synchronously (live via Blackboard Collaborate), and to students who will attend asynchronously (may review recorded videos per the prescribed timeline indicated in the syllabus). Students who attend asynchronously will need to meet attendance requirements per the syllabus.

What types of training will be made available for faculty?

The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) will provide training to faculty who will be teaching in the HyFlex modality. It is important to carefully consider pedagogy and assessment within HyFlex, and for faculty to set clear expectations from the start by using a well designed syllabus. MATC’s Instructional Designer and Faculty Development Coaches provide ongoing training sessions throughout the year. Completion of the training will be required for all faculty who teach in this modality. Please email us for more information about the current training schedule.

What is some of the language that will need to go into the syllabus?

Guidance will be provided to faculty who are teaching in a HyFlex classroom during the training session with plenty of time for preparation prior to the beginning of the semester.

How will assessment of learning outcomes work within HyFlex?

Students will be expected to participate per the established syllabus. Specifications of different rubrics will be discussed during training.

What kinds of technical support will faculty have?

Faculty will have technical support for Blackboard and Blackboard Collaborate from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

If you are a faculty member seeking Blackboard or Collaborate support, please email

MATC’s Instructional Media Team provides technical support for hyflex classrooms. If you are in a class in session, please dial 414-297-6541 and press 2 to be connected to an AV Technician. For an emergency, please call 414-460-4775 for immediate assistance.

How will HyFlex be coded at MATC?

The course type code for HyFlex is H. Lead Faculty should request HyFlex by working with their Instructional Scheduler to add Course Type H and a print text comment along the lines of “This class is a HyFlex class that has options for students to attend class online synchronously and/or asynchronously, or attend face-to-face.” This change can be made as part of the standard worksheet process or can be added by request as needed.

Educational Technology

DEI In The Classroom

Community Engagement and Service Learning

MATC Community Engagement and Service-Learning


Within the Center for Teaching Excellence, the focus of Community Engagement and Service Learning is to provide the following services to faculty:

  • Expand student access to community engagement opportunities via service learning and volunteering, curriculum alignment, and program information collectionPartnership cultivation to enhance community engagement
  • Partnership cultivation to enhance community engagement
  • Support instructors who seek to integrate service-learning pedagogies, via workshops and peer support initiatives
  • Collaborate with the Student Life Offices on each campus to enhance and expand services to students including the use of Engage
  • Partner with Student Life at each campus to align activities that take place in the classroom to those that may be done in common areas for students (e.g., tabling events) for higher impact across our institution
  • Participate in Campus leadership teams to support and enhance ongoing initiatives on each regional MATC campus
  • Support MATC faculty and staff community volunteer efforts (e.g., MATC Day in the Community)
  • Provide guidance and training for faculty to gain FQAS credits in the area of service-learning as a high impact teaching practice to enhance teaching excellence within MATC
  • Act as ambassadors with community-based agencies to enhance regional community engagement efforts at each MATC campus location

The Community Engagement and Service Learning Faculty Campus Liaisons are available to help faculty with any Community Engagement or Service Learning question.

Open Educational Resources

Artificial Intelligence in Education