Brigette Bendzka’s path to nursing began at MATC.
Nurse recruiter Brigette L. Bendzka uses her experience and her MATC education to find the next generation of nurses.
Brigette L. Bendzka speaks nurse fluently.
I can't speak highly enough about what MATC did for me and my career. It gave me the foundation for everything that came after. No other school that I attended after MATC matched it.
Discipline leads to success
Direction was something Bendzka lacked in high school. She attended Milwaukee Public Schools’ Rufus King High School for more than three years before graduating from MPS’ Custer High School in 1988. She was a less than serious student, and years of academic disregard caught up with her.“I was rambunctious,” she said with a smile. “Realizing that I was not mature enough for college, I joined the Army.”
Her mother was a chief master sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, and her stepfather also was in the Air Force. Her father served in the Marines. Several of her uncles were in the Army.
“The military gave me the discipline I needed,” Bendzka said. She served in military intelligence for a brief period before transitioning into the medical field during the first Gulf War. She was honorably discharged in 1991.
She returned to Wisconsin and enrolled in MATC’s Licensed Practical Nursing program. “MATC was strict, but coming from the military, it was an easy transition for me,” she said. “Everything was structured, disciplined, and demanded respect.”