If you are a Part-Time Post-Probationary, Part-Time Probationary, or Full-Time Probationary faculty, you will complete one TAP each FQAS cycle. Because the TAP is updated throughout the process, it should only be submitted into SumTotal at the end of the cycle.
You can use the following as a checklist by making a copy of this Google Doc.
▢ Make a copy of the TAP form.
▢ Choose your Peer Coach (PT post-probationary) or use your Faculty Development Coach (PT or FT Probationary). All faculty are required to participate in this Peer Coaching process.
▢ List your goals (required minimum of 1). Goals need to be S.M.A.R.T. and aligned to the MATC Standards of Teaching Excellence.
▢ Plan some initial actions that you will take.
▢ Review your goals and list the actions taken in your TAP.
▢ Check in with your Peer Coach (PT post-probationary) or Faculty Development Coach (PT or FT Probationary)--do they have any ideas or best practices to share with you? Discuss your progress and adjustments.
▢ List additional actions taken towards your goals in your TAP.
▢ At your final meeting with your Peer Coach (PT post-probationary) or Faculty Development Coach (PT and FT Probationary), share your results and get written feedback and a signature from your Coach on your TAP form.
▢ Save the completed TAP and submit it in SumTotal under “TAP: Teaching Action Plan.” You are required to submit the form by June 30 at the end of your FQAS cycle year